
Showing posts from January, 2019

The Power of The Question

Many of us may be able to identify with growing up in a society where asking questions may have been interpreted as a weakness. We may have been told that asking a question showed some lack of knowledge that we should have already had. Maybe we were told things like “You should have already known that”, or “What is wrong with you that you have to ask that?”   And, even if you didn’t experience those direct messages there are certainly societal norms that say we should have a certain level of knowledge at a certain age. And, if we don’t meet those expectations that asking for help could possibly be viewed as a lack of motivation or commitment.  Why would a child be afraid to raise their hand in a class to ask a question? Are they afraid to look foolish for not knowing the answer to a question? Do they feel they will be made fun of? From personal experience I can relate to the personal expectation that I “should already have learned that”. This pressure of thinking ...

Maybe A Life Was Saved

Today I heard a student say “So and so said she was going to kill so and so”. I’m not going to mention the school. And, of course that information was passed on to the administration, so they can deal with it appropriately. What I will tell you is that something positive is happening in our schools that was not happening in the past. 3 students were willing to tell me this information, and were willing to go to the administration to be witnesses to this. Yes, it’s disturbing that a student threatened another student. But, what’s amazing is that the witnesses came forward. That took a lot of courage for them to do that. They were not worried about repercussions coming back on them. They were so unselfish that they we’re more concerned about the student being threatened than about themselves. That’s amazing! I will never know whether that students life was saved today by the 3 students who came to me with this information. But, maybe the life of the one threatening the kid can be changed...

Not Waiting Anymore

Waiting.  Always waiting. Waiting for the right time to change jobs. Waiting for the right time to find a new home. Waiting to lose weight, to have enough in the bank, to look better, etc. There is always a reason not to act. I believe that much of my delaying has been about waiting for that perfect sign from the universe that it was now ok to act on whatever I desired. I believed that the universe would indeed give me a sign that it was now the right time to act. I thought that there would be some great sign to point me in the right direction. Well... The time never comes right? I know I'm not alone in this. Really, it is that feeling of fear that I might act in a way that was not the right thing to do. Don't I have to know how it's all going to work out before I act? Doesn't everything have to make sense before I take a risk? Here are some truths I have stumbled upon in my years of trying to make sense of my reluctance to act: 1. There never is a perfect time t...