Not Waiting Anymore

Waiting.  Always waiting. Waiting for the right time to change jobs. Waiting for the right time to find a new home. Waiting to lose weight, to have enough in the bank, to look better, etc. There is always a reason not to act.

I believe that much of my delaying has been about waiting for that perfect sign from the universe that it was now ok to act on whatever I desired. I believed that the universe would indeed give me a sign that it was now the right time to act. I thought that there would be some great sign to point me in the right direction.

Well... The time never comes right? I know I'm not alone in this. Really, it is that feeling of fear that I might act in a way that was not the right thing to do. Don't I have to know how it's all going to work out before I act? Doesn't everything have to make sense before I take a risk?

Here are some truths I have stumbled upon in my years of trying to make sense of my reluctance to act:
1. There never is a perfect time to act.
2. There will never be enough evidence to convince me to try that new job, move to a new home, (and on and on) if I'm not willing to give it a try.
3. Being gentle with myself is such a critical part of my healing this part of my personality.
4. Nobody is expecting me to be perfect in this.
5. I am certainly not alone.

I have started to take tremendous risks in my life. Starting this blog is one of them. I have come to belief that when I step out, and try something new that the universe will support me.

As I embark on my blogging endeavor I am truly looking forward to connecting with like minded individuals who believe that today is the day to take action on our dreams. Today is the day that my Creator has given me to live my dreams. I'm excited to see where this blogging goes. I'm excited to see what new adventures await me.

I'm not waiting anymore. Today is the day I've been waiting for! It's the day you have been waiting for. Join me in this adventure to find out more about our beautiful lives!


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere, John! You're just in time!


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