Celebrating Others Leads to Healing Between Races
Imagine with me for a moment a world where outside appearance had no bearing on how we treated each other. Could such a society even exist? Take a moment and imagine. We cannot ignore what another person’s outsides look like. The color of our skin, the type of clothes we wear, and even how we smile can reflect our culture and our heritage. These differences are what make up the beautiful mosaic of the human experience. If we all looked the same, we would be losing something. It is these differences that display the full majesty of our Creator. Through diversity we see the rich palette of what is possible in the world. It is not the differences in us that create the problem. It is the belief that one group is better than another that creates our collective pain. It is in the judging and elevating of skin type, clothing choice, hair style, and religious choices that cause our divisions. We have elevated certain types of people out of a sense of fear. We are a...