
Showing posts from May, 2019

Stability in the Face of Constant Change

This world is ever changing. From one day to the next what was considered of supreme value doesn't matter anymore. Technology, religious beliefs, laws, career choices, investing choices, and even our feelings about ourselves are ever changing. How in the face of this ever changing world do we find a sense of stability and safety? If everyone and everything is changing how do we find the necessary courage and faith to thrive on this ever shifting foundation? If the foundation is moving how do ever build a house? Let me delve into this a little by telling you that I am scuba diver. As a diver I am told to never swim against a current, but rather to float along with the current. And, if I have to swim against a current only do so when it is extremely mild and will not put me in any danger. Life is like that of diving. It is not wise to try and force a solution to something that will not respond to that solution. I must try another way. Either I change my approach to the ...

Balancing the Need For Risk With the Need For Security

We as a society are always looking to something outside of ourselves to fix us. You can call it an addiction, envy, or restlessness. But, we all know what I'm talking about. It's the belief that if we could just be somewhere other than where we are then everything would be ok. Sometimes though when we get to wherever it is we think we should be, we will then want to be somewhere else. There is a tension between knowing that it's good for us to stay and commit to the situation at hand, and knowing that it is healthy to stretch and grow. How do we stay grounded and follow through with what is happening now, and yet still be willing to explore new and uncomfortable adventures? There is so much to be gained by staying where we are. We gain the satisfaction of seeing something through to the end. Whether that be a relationship, a job, or a dream that have had in mind for many years. The daily effort that it takes, and the willingness to be there for a relationship ...

Healing Is a Process

Healing cannot be rushed anymore than I can speed up the growth of a flower. No matter how much I try to encourage a flower to grow I cannot make it grow at a faster rate. Healing is a process that is different for everyone. Each time I am faced with a healing process I get upset. Even though I'm never quite sure how long it will take I'm sure it's not fast enough. The issues become about timing, deadlines, and who we trust. Let me address timing first. It seems that in life an illness or disaster of some kind always comes at the wrong time. I remember getting really ill one time right before an important performance at Christmas time. The timing was terrible. And, there was absolutely nothing I could have done to get myself well in time for the performance. I ended up performing even though I was incredibly ill. The reasons for doing so are interesting. Why I got so impatient about my healing process that I would further jeopardize my health by performing cou...

Forgiveness Leads to Healing

Today is my birthday. It's not a milestone birthday, but it still counts. As for all of us, birthdays present an opportunity to look at our lives, and see how we are doing. It also provides an opportunity for healing. Yes, the birthday is just another day. Nothing really happens differently on my birthday than it does on any other day. I wake up, shower, eat breakfast, and then go to work. Same as other days. But, if I allow myself the gift of time and awareness I can use this day as a way to really do some healing work. For many years (and for many reasons) my birthdays were not something that I celebrated very much. Maybe outwardly I looked good to other people, but inside I didn't feel like there was a lot to celebrate. I had to do a lot of work to get out of that mindset of not celebrating. Time has passed. Healing has occurred. Now I look back at my life, and I see that so many years of my life were indeed spent in needless suffering. Or was it needless? This is wh...