Healing Is a Process
Healing cannot be rushed anymore than I can speed up the
growth of a flower. No matter how much I try to encourage a flower to grow I cannot
make it grow at a faster rate.
Healing is a process that is different for everyone. Each
time I am faced with a healing process I get upset. Even though I'm never quite
sure how long it will take I'm sure it's not fast enough.
The issues become about timing, deadlines, and who we trust.
Let me address timing first. It seems that in life an
illness or disaster of some kind always comes at the wrong time. I remember
getting really ill one time right before an important performance at Christmas
time. The timing was terrible. And, there was absolutely nothing I could have
done to get myself well in time for the performance. I ended up performing even
though I was incredibly ill. The reasons for doing so are interesting. Why I
got so impatient about my healing process that I would further jeopardize my
health by performing could be a topic for another day. Bottom line is that
illness and difficult circumstances often cannot be predicted or anticipated.
Allow me now to discuss deadlines. What I'm talking about is
the thought in my mind that there is a deadline for healing. It is the belief
that by a certain date and time that we should be healed. I can tell you is
that in certain areas of my life I am still healing from situations in my past.
And, I can tell you without any reservation that I part of me believes that I
should have healed from them years ago. What is that about? Why would I insist
on adhering to a certain timeline to have things resolved? And, who imposed these
deadlines? In regards to the latter question it is usually me.
The deeper issue that I wish to write about here is that of
trust. It is about who I ultimately trust in regards to the timing of my
healing. Do I often feel like my Creator does not understand that I have better
things to do with my life rather than spend time healing from something? Yes. Somewhere inside of my mind I must
believe that there was some plan (that of course I devised) that God is for
some reason ignoring.
What are some
solutions? Here are a few that I believe
will move us towards being a little more patient with whatever healing process
we are currently engaged in:
1. The timing of my healing is absolutely not up to me. I
can help make the healing possible by resting, being good to myself, and by
saying life affirming things to myself. But, when that healing decides to take
place is not up to me.
2. There is no deadline. Usually. Now, if you are a skier,
and you have a competition coming up soon then you have a deadline to get your
knee healed. And, even if there is a deadline your body or mind may not agree
with it.
3. Trusting the process of healing takes time. This matter of trust is not something that happens right away. I believe it is earned through lots of experience. The longer that I am on the planet the more I am
learning that things are actually in Divine order all the time. This doesn't
mean I always agree with it. It just means that I'm understanding that there is
a plan.
If you are in a healing process please know that you are not
alone in your struggle with wanting it to be over yesterday. This is what life
is about. We will always be in a state of healing from something. It's sure
nice to know that we are not alone. And, it's nice to know that people
generally are not expecting us to suddenly be healed. I do believe in healing.
I also believe in restoration from painful circumstances. It just doesn't
happen overnight, and it usually doesn't happen when we want it to. But, it
does happen.
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