Finding The Purest Source
We are all searching for the solution. It is that thing, or person, or experience that will solve our problems. While the search is always a worthy endeavor, the places we are looking in are not always for our highest good. How many of us have believed that a nicer car, a more beautiful home, having more money in the bank, or finding the perfect relationship will fix us? We all have in one form or another used outside experiences or people to try and fix the problem. The problem with human experiences is that they eventually change and go away. The car breaks down, the home gets old, money is temporal, and people eventually leave because they choose that or life just takes its natural course. The hope is in finding a Source that will never go away, so that when the natural world takes it course we will still be ok. When we find this Source for ourselves, the changes of the outside world are not as scary. How do we find the Source that is going to provide us a lasting feeling of...