You Deserve To Be Supported

The process of writing my book has been so interesting. So many opportunities for me to look at myself and the way that I approach things. One of the most interesting opportunities is the one around the ability to say that I don't understand something.

This brings me to what I wanted to write about here. That is this false belief that I should be able to know something before I know it. Yes, I read that sentence and say that doesn't even make sense. But, how many of us have taken on a project thinking we should not be able to ask questions about it? It's like the person (not that I have even done this:) who gets lost driving, but refuses to ask for directions. Truth is our GPS takes care of that most of the time, but there are still times we need to ask. 

If the goal of doing a project is to get it done is to get it done, it just makes sense to ask questions. Right? Well, the inability to ask questions usually stems from deeper issues that cannot be just logically sorted out. I often think that if I can just understand it then the problem will be solved.

What is the solution for this? It is so incredibly simple, and yet difficult at the same time. It is the act of just doing it. Just ask. And, no this is not easy sometimes, but really it is the way out. My confidence builds when I ask questions, and I learn that others will help me.

Back to my process of writing my book for a minute. I hired a writing coach, someone to format my book, an artist to create the cover, someone to put the cover together, an editor to check my work, as well as a team of other people to help read the proofs. It literally is taking a village to get this done.  I feel like the race car driver who needs a pit crew. Did you ever study the credits after a movie? There were literally hundreds of people that helped in that process. Do you think that movie would have been completed had the director not been willing to ask for help? Obviously not possible. Also, not possible with the creation of my book. I have had to ask for help over and over. And, will continue to need to ask I move into the next phase of it.

This blog is my invitation to you. Think of one area of your life that you are struggling in. This area should be something you need some help with, are wanting to ask questions about, but that maybe you are hesitating to ask about for whatever number of reasons. I would invite you to find someone who can help you. And, that could be finding a close friend and saying you need help. It could be that simple. Remember there is no shame in asking for help. It is a strength. We are here on this planet to help each other. Today may be the day that you find out that people really do want to help you. What an exciting opportunity you have!


  1. I absolutely agree! And definitely resonate with creating a book. I feel like while it's you having the labor pains, you need a midwife too :) Best of luck with the book!

    1. And this was Ritu from Twitter! Not sure why it's not showing my name here!

    2. Thank you so much Ritu.I appreciate your feedback. Thanks for your continuing support!


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