Finding The Purest Source

We are all searching for the solution. It is that thing, or person, or experience that will solve our problems. While the search is always a worthy endeavor, the places we are looking in are not always for our highest good.

How many of us have believed that a nicer car, a more beautiful home, having more money in the bank, or finding the perfect relationship will fix us? We all have in one form or another used outside experiences or people to try and fix the problem.

The problem with human experiences is that they eventually change and go away. The car breaks down, the home gets old, money is temporal, and people eventually leave because they choose that or life just takes its natural course.

The hope is in finding a Source that will never go away, so that when the natural world takes it course we will still be ok. When we find this Source for ourselves, the changes of the outside world are not as scary.

How do we find the Source that is going to provide us a lasting feeling of peace and security?  How do we move beyond the outside noise, and find the lasting solution we crave?

It comes back to validating that the search is not the problem. Searching is a good thing. Curiosity is powerful. Becoming a seeker is one of the highest forms of spiritual expression. Here are some methods I have used to find my Source. Maybe, some of these will resonate with you, and will help you to find yours:

1. Meditation. Find a quiet place where you can enjoy the stillness of your mind. The quieter you get, the more you will enjoy the amazing experience of just being with yourself. What is so beautiful about meditation is that you get to be you. There will be no questioning of your experience. You will be having direct contact with Source. You don't need to know who or what the Source is. Your experience will be so powerful that you will not be concerned with putting any label on this Source. In fact, each time that you meditate, you will find that the experience will be what you seek, not the definition of this Source.

2. Go to nature. Nature is Source manifesting in all of it's glory. When you truly contemplate how all of this came into being, you cannot help but realize that it cannot just be random events happening. There is Something that is orchestrating all of this. Nature helps us to realize that we are not alone.

3. Become part of a community that has similar beliefs as you do. Surround yourself with those who will support and affirm what is important to you. The beautiful thing about a support network, is that when you need guidance you will have people there to help you. You will never be alone in your efforts to learn more about spiritual things.

4. Read spiritual books that help you learn about your Source. I am currently reading A Path With Heart by Jack Kornfield. It is an amazing book. I am learning so much about the beauty of spirituality in every day life. It is very inspiring to me.

5. Go on retreats. Find a place where you can be with like-minded people. These times of retreat are so important, because it allows you the opportunity to really dive deep into your spiritual practice. It is a time of deep contemplation. You spend time getting to know yourself in a way that may be more difficult in your everyday life. Think of these retreats as a way to recharge your spiritual batteries.

Here is a  gentle remember as you seek your Source. There is no one right way to do it. We all have a different path to walk on. I do believe that there is one Source. The name of this Source is different for everyone. For me, the name is God. That's what works for me.  However, the name is different for everyone. My wish for you is that you enjoy this journey. It is a beautiful experience to come in direct contact with our Source. And, I hope you have some fun in the process.


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