I Am Reminded of What's Important to Me
You will never catch up. How do you feel when you read that? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? How about relieved? Why would you possibly feel relieved when you read that you can never catch up? I believe that if I don’t catch up, I will miss out on something that other people have access to. It is having a scarcity mentality. I believe in an abundant universe. It is a spiritual principal that keeps me serene on most days. And then came COVID-19. This virus has forced me to challenge my believes around abundance and prosperity. It has forced me to look at what I value in life. It is helping me to define my priorities. Before this virus came to be a thing in the world, I was humming along like a lot of people. I was over scheduled, stretched to the max with my time, complaining a lot about not having time to rest, and not spending enough time with the important people in my life including my wife. Since being in social isolation all of that has changed. I am finding myself r...