Ten Reasons to Support Our Band Programs

I have worked as a consultant, an adjudicator, and private music instructor in Florida schools for over 20 years. I have learned some things about students and society that make me believe that band programs are an essential part of the health of our students and our schools. I would like to share ten lessons that I learned over the years. My hope is that this message continues to be shared, as we fight for the souls of our children. Our students our growing up in a time where there is a lot of division and adversity. I believe music will help to bind our society together.

Here are ten good reasons to support these amazing programs:

1.       Band students learn to respect cultural diversity. There is a beautiful array of skin colors, as well as other physical features that display the greatness of our diverse world. Students are given the opportunity to play with and sit next to people that they may not ordinarily associate with. Students learn that music is the great equalizer. Music doesn’t care what color you are, or what country you come from. Music pours through the souls of every human being. This reminds us that every human being has relevance. Students get to practice the gift of celebrating one another’s diversity. Each student is important. The participant in band learns that the person next to them is as important as they are.

2.       Band students learn that everyone has something to contribute.  Students get to feel like they have something important to give. They learn that they are as important as the next person. They understand they must learn their individual part and carry their own weight. For a band to be successful, every student must take responsibility for learning their music. It is true that a band is only as strong as its weakest player. Students know this. They get to experience the pride of a successful performance when they have learned their part and encouraged their fellows to do the same. Students get to learn how important they are, and that their choices have consequences to those around them.

3.       Band students are often very successful in their other classes. My experience is that band students do very well academically in other classes. In order to be a musician, a student must be able to do many things at the same time. Their brain is developed in such a way that they do better in their other classes.  Students who are already smart join band, and they become smarter after joining band.  Go to any honor roll ceremony, and you will see lots of band students picking up their certificates.

4.       Band students learn how to problem solve. They learn that there is a solution. They also learn that if they cannot see the solution right away that they can ask for help.

5.       Band students learn to be accepting of one another’s differences. A flute player might for example be sitting next to someone whom they would never associate with outside of band class. They would not hang out with that person in any social setting. And yet they must find a way to make music together. They agree to help each other be successful. They agree that any differences they have with each other will not get in the way of making beautiful music. Can you imagine what our planet would be like if we accepted each other’s differences. It would change our world.

6.       Band students learn to be respectful of what belongs to someone else. In class, students are instructed to never touch another student’s instrument without their permission. And, in younger bands it is suggested to do so at a minimum to reduce the risk of repairs. This educates students on the importance of boundaries. It reminds them that their instrument is something of great value. This instrument is what they are making beautiful music on. It is to be honored and respected.

7.       Band students learn that hard work pays off. It takes a tremendous amount of work to put on a concert. It takes commitment to showing up to class on a regular basis, a commitment to a practice routine to learn the music, and a willingness to do something repeatedly until it is correct. This is very hard work. When the student performs the music at a concert and enjoys the benefit of hearing that finished product, it instills a sense of pride in them. They begin to understand that you have to really work at something to see a positive result.

8.       Band students learn about history. Every piece of music comes from a time period that influences the style of that piece. Students learn a bit of history when they learn what was influencing the composer during the time when they wrote it. Composers often write music in reaction to important historical events, and students get to hear about that from a knowledgeable conductor. 

9.       Band programs generally bring very positive attention to the school. Band students are often among the best-behaved students. They put the school in a good light. Many band students go on to do many wonderful things in their life after graduating.

1     Band students give us all a reason to feel hopeful about the future of our society.
Music needs to be treated like a core subject. Band provides students with many necessary skills to get through life.
If you believe in the mission of transforming our world into a more loving place, please support your local band programs. You will be doing your part to make the world a better place. Thank you!


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