The Reason You Exist
Have you ever wondered why you exist?
Did anyone ever tell you that you were born to take care of your younger brother, your parents, your friend, your spouse?
So many questions. Who knows the answers. It’s a mystery.
It’s a flat-out mystery.
I do think about these things. Everyday.
They consume my mind, because life doesn’t make sense sometimes. I cannot often grasp why terrible things happen.
It is the mysteries of life that excite me. They invite me to go inside for the answers. They beg me to connect with other like-minded people who also pose these kinds of questions.
If all these questions could be answered today, we would become like a machine, simply reacting to a preordained set of instructions. Believe this, go here, be that, and live this way.
We are not machines.
We are flexible and fragile. We are pliable and tender. We are changeable and teachable. We can change our minds, our hearts, and our spirits.
This is what makes being human so incredibly magnificent.
We are never the same person we were yesterday or even five minutes ago. This is the excitement of life! We don’t know what’s going to happen next. That’s awesome, and it’s scary.
That’s life.
I don’t know why we exist. But I bet that if we accept that we have a right to exist our life will become more beautiful. Owning our right to breath air brings us confidence to take on whatever it next for us.
You exist.
Own it.
Love it!
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