Worthy is Who You Are

Have you ever had the thought "Who am I to think that I can do this thing?" And of course, "this thing" could have a lot of different meanings.

This feeling of being a fraud, or of not knowing what we are doing, is so much more common than we think. In our world where we are taught to always compare ourselves to others, it is sometimes hard to stand in the truth of our own talents. We may even have heard the expression, "Who do you think you are?"

I know in my own life I have often felt like I am a fraud. I sometimes feel like others (others means anyone else) know more than me. It has kept me from taking risks. It has kept me from doing things that I wanted to do. It has prevented me from allowing my true self to come out.

Fraud is a strong word. It implies that one is intentionally trying to deceive someone into thinking that we know something when we know we don't. So I believe that the feeling of being a fraud is simply not applicable to what I am referring to.

Really what we are talking about is something much deeper. It is a feeling of a lack of worthiness. Unworthiness is really the thing under the fraud. It is that belief that what we are trying to bring to the world is not worthy of being seen. It is that feeling that we will be ridiculed for who and what we are. It is that feeling of not being enough.

So how do we get to a place of feeling worthy? I believe, like everything else in life, it is a journey. I believe that it is a journey into our heart and soul. It is the journey of discovering how our Creator sees us.

If we could truly see ourselves the way that our Creator sees us, we would be amazed. Not only has this Creator given us this amazing life. Our Creator has also given us dreams and aspirations. This is the same Creator who has created all living things. How we define what, who, or what form this Creator takes is not relevant. It is relevant that we know what works for us. Some go to nature for inspiration. Wherever we came from, we are here now for some purpose.

When we can get in touch the fact that Something decided to bring us into being, whether it was a deity of some kind, or whether we were simply a product of evolution, we will be awestruck. The fact that life itself decided that we were worthy of being here, is enough to prove that we are worthy.

The next time that you think you are a fraud, remember this truth. The universe itself decided that you are worthy of existing. This is the same universe that produced the entire planet, and the stars you see late at night. This universe is where you came from. It has been decided. You are worthy! Carry this truth with you today, and stand in your greatness!


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