Unique and Valuable


Something interesting happened recently that helped me understand myself better. And, I think it's something that many of us can relate to.

A good friend approached me, and asked me whether I would like to share in a forum that would be new to me. This person has a program that I think is just wonderful.  They were essentially asking me to share a little bit of myself. My friend shared with me that they were relating to many of the ideas I have posting on Facebook and Twitter recently.


My reaction to this invitation was most interesting. I immediately went into a state of fear. The first thing I heard my mind say was, "I can never hang out with these people. They are more spiritually evolved than I am. What possibly could I offer to this conversation?" Have you ever heard these sentences (or ones similar) go through your mind? Has your mind ever tried to convince you that you don't have what it takes? Have you ever believed you are not worthy of being with the "more evolved" people?


There is not one of us that has totally evolved spiritually yet. I believe that trying to be perfectly evolved is a source of frustration for many of us. The question I need to ask myself at this point is "When will I know that I have evolved enough spiritually to begin sharing myself with others?" The answer for me is never. There will never be a time when I feel like I have it all together. And, if I ever thought that I had it all together it would be a very sad day. It would be the day that my creativity stopped flowing. No more new ideas. No more emotional risk taking.


Here is what I know today about all of this. I don't know very much. I do know that what you bring to the table of life is perfectly fine. Nobody is expecting perfection from you. The gifts you bring to the table of life are exactly the gifts that others need to partake in. You were born for a reason. You are here now in this time and place for a certain purpose. That purpose will be revealed, when you take the risk of believing that what you have to share is valuable to other people.

When you risk, you give me the courage to do the same. If someone invites you to step up to the plate and try something new today, do it. You will be glad you did. And, you just might discover a new thing about yourself. How wonderful!


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