Your Soul is a Wonderous Place


Your soul is a wonderous place with vast regions of openness being filled by God’s love. Into this expansiveness comes the energy of the universe. It’s the very energy that created the birds, the plants, human beings, the beautiful tree you lean against on a hot day, and the ocean you explore.

You soul is so beautiful that it came before your body existed and will exist long after your body fades away. The human body is a fallible, short-lived, temporary home for your soul. While the body is magnificent, it will only be here a very short time.

While the body is here the soul must be allowed to shine. The more we allow our soul to shine, the healthier the entire person is. And even if the body is not working to our liking, we can still revel in the magnificence of our soul.

Allow me to tell you a story of my friend Lucille. She is 94 years young. When my wife and I ride our bikes around our community we often see her taking her daily walk. From a distance, you would think she was in her 40s. Her gate is strong, and her determination great. When she approaches you, you can see that glimmer of joy in her eyes. Her enthusiasm for life, and the optimism that flows from her heart is contagious. I always feel better after talking with her. Her optimistic spirit gives me so much hope.

Her soul is beautiful, and this radiance show from her 94-year-old body. Her body may or may not be nearing the end of its time here, but her soul is very young. I would love to hear her story. I bet it’s one of courage, overcoming struggles, and of amazing optimism.

Your soul is beautiful too. Those of us who are spiritually minded, and who are attuned to the eternal nature of life understand that life goes far beyond what any of us see or comprehend. What we see in front of us is a very small part of what is happening. This includes your soul. Your soul is just beginning to be understood and appreciated by you.

When you begin to see and appreciate how long you have existed in the spiritual realm, the magnificence of your existence now in this human body, and the hope you have from a beautiful external future, you will begin to get a faint glimpse of what your Creator sees. In this moment, you will see and understand the affirmation prayed by many faithful, “All is well with my soul.”


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