Being Kind to You is the Greatest Gift You Can Give Yourself


Being kind to you is the greatest gift you can give yourself. You are the only you that exists. When you are kind to you, you are respecting the One who made you. In the mind of your Creator you are infinitely precious.

For years, I thought being kind to myself was being selfish. I was taught that I should always be thinking of others. I was taught that when I care about myself, it must mean that I don't care about anyone else. Self sacrifice was a badge of honor, and frankly was expected
Recently, my thinking has changed. This change has moved me to a more loving place. I was getting frustrated by not finding enough time to write, exercise, sleep, and a whole host of other important  self- care activities. I was putting everyone else's needs before my own. It didn't work. I was getting frustrated, and began blaming others for not taking care of myself. I found that I was tired all of time, and wasn't happy about how I was showing up for life.

It is never anyone else's fault when I don't take care of myself. This has been a hard lesson to learn. It has taken me many years to understand this.

When I go to gym in the morning, I always feel better. When I get enough sleep, my next day is always more productive. When I eat well, my attitude is better. Self-care is self-love.

Are you good to yourself? Do you treat yourself well? Do you care for you the same loving way that you care for a loved one?


Here are some ways that you can care for yourself:

1. Look at how well you treat your loved ones. Notice how loving you are to them. Are you as loving to yourself as you are to them?
2. Take time for yourself. Find some alone time. Some undisturbed time. This is time when nobody is going to need anything from you.
3. Ask for help. If you can't think of some ways to be good to yourself, ask a trusted friend for some suggestions. Your friends know you. They care about you, and want you to be happy. I'm sure they would glad to offer you some tips. You may find that they reflect back to you some things that you are helping them with.
4. Be gentle with yourself. Change takes time. If being good to yourself is not something that comes naturally, remember it could take a while before new habits are formed.
5. Try something new. Try something you have always wanted to do. Maybe it's taking a walk in the evening. Maybe it's going to the pool, and just relaxing. Maybe it's trying a new restaurant. Maybe it's picking a new menu item you have never tried before.


I see examples of self-care in many areas of my life. I know that my Creator loves me. I tune in to that love through meditation and other spiritual practises. I accept that love. When I accept that love, I begin to be kind to myself. When I am kind to myself, I begin to be kind to others.

We are conduits for God's love to flow into the world. We are one of millions of vehicles being used to transmit love. It's good that we transmit this love to others, and we must also direct some toward ourselves. Imagine if someone offered you some delicious food. Instead of eating some of it, you gave all of it back to your friend. Your friend would sure appreciate it, but you would eventually go hungry if you continued to give away all of your food. In order for you to care for your friend, you must eventually eat some yourself.

Self-care is not independent of caring for others. We can care for other people while we are caring for ourselves. In fact, your love for your loved ones when you care for yourself.


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