Making Mistakes Makes You Beautifully Human

“You are not what you do.”

How many times have you heard someone say that to you? Probably many.

Do you believe it?

What would happen to your self-esteem if you made a larger mistake? I’m not talking about turning right instead of left at an intersection.

I’m talking about if you forgot to show up for an important job interview or forgot to pay the electric and the power gets shut off.

Can you accept yourself as being a beautiful human being even when you make mistakes?

Here is what I know about the human condition. We are going to make mistakes. A lot of them.

I also know that mistakes do not define me. What I do is not as important as who I am.

Who I am is the glorious manifestation of a Creator that loves me unconditionally. There is nothing I can do or not do to affect this reality. The love for me is not conditioned upon what I do.

The love for you is not conditioned upon what you do.

What would it be like to go through life not worrying about whether we are perfect? How would our life change?

I heard it said by a dear friend of mine Dolores that if we were perfect there would be no need to grow anymore. That was amazing for me to hear that!

What a beautiful idea to think that perfection should not even be something to strive for. The reaching of a state of perfection would be the end of us. There would be no reason to get up in the morning. There would be no reason to ask for help. There would be no reason to have relationships. Life would be incredibly boring. Life would cease to exist in a state of perfection. Growth would become impossible. Death would be near.

Perfection means death.

Making mistakes means life.

Imagine that!

The most life-giving affirmation you make today is to make lots of mistakes. When you make a mistake, it means you tried. It means you stretched beyond your comfort zone. You attempted to be different.

This is truly a magnificent display of your radiance in this world. Your mistakes become the platform you jump off to create something amazing.

The next time you make a mistake please affirm yourself. Remind yourself that you are trying. Remind yourself that you care enough to expand the boundaries enough to risk failing.

My hope for you is that you are bold enough to risk making a mistake, so that you will see that you are a true success.

If you are like me at all you may need to take a deep breath at this point.

Go ahead and take that deep breath.

Yes. You are beautiful.

Yes. You are perfect the way you are.

Yes. You can make mistakes and still be loved.


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