The Beautiful Brilliant Light

I try to stand in the Light as much as possible. This Light is so beautiful that I can barely comprehend it when I see it.

I have seen it several times in my life.

It made itself known to me when I was married. The words “I do” came to me as a beautiful sign from the Light that all was well.

The Light came to me when I had the thought that all my negative thoughts about myself were wrong.

The Light came to me when my heart was willing to forgive the wrongs of those whom I felt anger towards.

The Light came to me too when I survived an attack in 2004 that almost took my life. The Light was in the surgeon’s hands as he saved my life.

This Light I speak of doesn’t have one name. It has many names. Throughout the eons of time many have named it. Some called it God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammad, Source, The One, Nature, Holy One.
Every name is valid. Every name matters. They matter, because they are all the Light.

We are in the Light. The Light emanates from us, towards us, through us, as us, because of us, for us, in front of us, behind us, and under us.

The Light loves all people.

For us to brighten this world that seems so dark, we need to turn on our lights.

I heard it said that if the room is dark, in order to find your way, you must turn on a light.

When you turn on your light, the world gets a little brighter.

When you turn on your light, my world gets a little brighter.

Even on a cloudy day we know that the sun is still shining. Sometimes, we don’t see the light in our heart or the hearts of others, because there are clouds of resentment, hurt, bitterness, and fear. The clouds cannot block it forever. Eventually even the darkest day will become bright again.

You are a bringer of the Light to this world. Through you shines the very light of the Creator of the universe. Call it what you will. It is real. It is here. No name can put it in a box. If you try to put the light in a box, it will find its way out. Soon the walls will collapse and give way to the Light inside.

Your light is beautiful.

Your light is so beautiful that it makes me want to shine mine.

Together we are all making the world more beautiful. I love your beautiful light!


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