The Blank Screen

Have you ever stared at a blank piece of paper or computer screen, and had no idea what to write down?

Have you recently looked at your calendar for the next month or two, and have no idea whether what you put on it will happen?

That is the position that millions of people are in right now.

Today people have been laid off, are in the hospital, are on lock down at home, or in some other way left with tons of unknowns about their future.

We are all in this boat of the unknown.

I find it particularly challenging, because I am somebody who loves to have a busy schedule full of lots of appointments. I drive a lot for my various jobs and enjoy the variety that my schedule affords me.

Being at home for weeks at a time with very few places that I must be leaves me with a schedule that is virtually blank.

I am learning to fill out that schedule with some beautiful routines. These routines are keeping me anchored during this very unknown time.

What I find most interesting is that I had a false belief that I had some control over my schedule and the events I put on there. I am learning like everyone else that I can plan but I can’t control. Planning is important, but I have no say about the outcome. This COVID-19 situation is reminding me of how little control I have over anything outside of myself.

I didn’t have control over outcomes before the virus showed up, and I don’t have control over outcomes now.

I believe that this issue of control is so evident, because it is so obvious. The way that the virus so quickly interrupted our lives highlights how little we individually could have done to prevent it from influencing our life. It is much bigger than we are.

I have strong spiritual beliefs. They keep me grounded. These beliefs help me feel safe when my world gets upended.

I have been upended before. I have been in several terrible situations in my life that I didn’t think I would survive. Somehow, I survived them. Somehow, I became a better person for having gone through them.

There is a blank screen in front of you. There are many unknowns. Nobody knows how the virus is going to change our lives. Nobody knows when it will end. Nobody knows when life will get back to normal.

The truth about all of that is that we never knew that anyway. The future has always been unknown to us. We never know what is around the next corner. We can guess and predict, but we really don’t know.

I would love to hear how you are handling your blank screen that is in front of you now. How are you dealing with this opportunity that is so rich with possibilities? What are you doing right now that will give you hope for your future?

We cannot control outcomes, but we can control our attitudes and how we react to this blank screen that is in front of us.

What will you fill your blank screen with?


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