There is Still Plenty to Do

In this time of social distancing, many of the activities that we usually do are now unavailable. We can’t go to our local beach, swimming pool, restaurant, or movie theater.

It can feel very restrictive. We may even feel deprived.

This is normal. We are not used to having our lives curtailed like this. Immediate gratification is something we have grown accustomed to. The blocking of these activities by governmental agencies can be difficult.

What do we do with all this time we have on our hands?

I have been writing. Writing a lot. I have been exercising every day with my wife. Every afternoon we ride our bikes to our beautiful butterfly garden. We sit on the bench and watch the amazing life that is on display there. We always see some new type of butterfly or bird that we haven’t seen there before. The variety is quite stunning. We always walk away from the garden feeling like we have been witnesses to something amazing.

The butterfly garden has been there for many months, but I was too busy to include it in my schedule. Moving at the speed I was before COVID-19 came into my life, it was impossible for me to slow down enough to take in the magnificence of that garden.

My inner world has also become much richer since I have been practicing social isolation. I have been meditating, reading wonderful posts on Medium, reading some of my favorite books, writing my new book, and practicing my music.

It has been a wonderful time of exploration. I can’t remember a time when I had the space to dig into these important projects.

Have you taken on a new project the past week? Are you doing something now that you had been putting off?

We are all in this together.

By sharing some creative ideas, we can help each other get through this challenging time. Rather than it being a waste of time to be socially isolated, we can use this time to explore other avenues of creativity.

I am curious to hear what you are doing to enrich your life. Please share your story. We can all learn from each other.


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