You Are a Blessing


You are a blessing.

Take a breath and take that in for a minute.

What does it mean that you are a blessing? How do you know that you are a blessing? What evidence would you need to prove to someone that you’re a blessing?

I have struggled with this truth most of my life. Sometimes I’m aware that I add value to the lives of others, and on other days I’m not so sure. My ego tells me that what determines my worth is the opinions and feedback I receive from others about who I am. It’s in the mirroring and feedback I receive where I received the truth of who I am. Right?

There is more to me than how others see me. Everyone I meet brings with them their own life experiences. From these life experiences, they will form their opinion of me. There is nothing I can do about that.

The same is true for you. The people around you form their opinions of you through their own filters and experiences of life. You cannot change their filter, and you cannot change their opinion of you. No matter how hard you try, some people will not get along with you. That’s not your fault, and it’s not a reflection of your self-worth.

You are a child of a loving Creator who brought you to this world to be a blessing. The more you can step into and own this truth, the more you will attract people to you who will tell you what a blessing you are. When you own your magnificence, you will attract those who believe in their own. It’s a miraculous thing.

There is someone in this world who needs the gifts that only you can bring. They are looking for you. They are the people who tell you that you are the perfect person for the job, you have the talent they need, or that you showed up at the perfect place at the perfect time.

Yes. You showed up in the world at the perfect place and at the perfect time. Despite the ego’s attempt to pull you down due to other’s feedback, know that you are the magnificent creation you are. I love you and appreciate you. You matter to me, and I’m glad you’re here. You are a blessing.



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