You Are Being Taken Care Of

You are being taken care of.

Right now.

Do you believe that?

I cannot tell you the number of times in my life when I didn’t believe it.

Fear was a constant friend for me for much of my life. It governed my decisions and clouded my vision of the future. It blocked my opportunities and sabotaged the ones that I accepted. It took hold of my life in a way that sent me to places I didn’t wish to go.

The fear was that I was not being taken care of. In short it was a lack of faith.

I was afraid from the earliest days of my life, even though I was raised in a very affluent family.
Hear is a truth. Money does not fix the fear of not being taken care of. I know plenty of wealthy people who still live in fear. I also know many people who are not affluent who know that they will be taken care of.

If it’s not about money, then how do I lose this fear?

I believe that it is about knowing that life is safe. It’s having a faith in something much bigger than us.

Each of us has a different belief about Who or what is taking care of us. Determining the name of that caretaker is not as important as knowing that one exists. There are many roads to spiritual enlightenment. And my experience is that the name of the one we are looking towards for support will change.

This presence lives in each of us. It is all around us. It is in everything and everyone. We cannot separate ourselves from it, because it is a part of us.

It is this knowing that we are inseparable from our Creator that gives me great peace.

When I had my moments of doubt and fear, I can go back to this foundation of truth. It is this foundation that keeps me steady when I have fears about income, health, relationship stress, or any of the thousands of fears that I am faced with daily.

I believe that fear has its place. It is healthy to fear running out onto a busy street where I could get run over. It is healthy to have passwords on my bank accounts, so they are not hacked. It is healthy to have insurance, because of the fear of financial calamity.

These fears do not rule my life today. I respect them. I listen to them.

I have heard that faith is not the absence of fear. It is feeling the fear and doing it anyways. Walking through that fear can be challenging, but it is made easier when we know we are not alone.

As you move through your day please know that you have not been abandoned. There is a loving force that wants the best for you. The universe is conspiring in all ways to help you. When you reach out to others for help you will discover that all manner of assistance will make itself known to you.

You will remember that you are being taken care of.


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