It Takes Faith to go to Sleep
It takes faith to go to sleep.
When we sleep our body goes into auto pilot.
Our lungs take in and expel air, our heart pumps blood
throughout our body, our stomach digests food, and our brain keeps everything
working together in perfect harmony.
This is happening out of our control.
It takes faith to let this happen.
When I put my head on the pillow there is a blessed calm
that comes over me. It is a surrendering of the day that past, and an
excitement about the day ahead. Whatever I didn’t accomplish that day must be
let go of. I turn over my need for perfection, the need to get more, and to
have the desires of my ego fulfilled. All the hopes and dreams I started the
day with must be surrendered. They must be turned over to a loving force that is
taking care of me.
It takes having a faith that we are connected to go to
It takes trusting that we are one with our loving Creator
who is literally breathing through us as we sleep. Each inhalation is taking in
air given to us by our Creator. The breath of God enters our lungs, filters
through our body giving it the necessary nutrients to survive. The hand of God
opens and closes our lungs.
As we enter a dream state, we are transported to a place
where deep healing can take place. Many things are resolved in this dream
state. Many resentments are revisited, many loves are remembered, and many
lives are relived. The state of rest becomes a laboratory for healing. The pain
in our past is brought up to be soothed and resolved. Not all dreams of course are
soothing. Some are very painful and difficult. But healing is difficult work.
It is for the brave. As we enter sleep, we know that we are risking having to
do this work. It is worth doing. You are worth healing.
As I get older, I realize that how I enter my sleep is
important. The things I say to myself take on greater importance. Whatever I
say to myself will be soaking in my soul for the time I am asleep. The words
will marinate and germinate. I need to choose carefully what I want to harvest
the next day. The deeds and motives of my next day will be influenced by what I
say to myself when I go to sleep. I want to choose well.
The next time you go to sleep, I invite you to express gratitude
for another day of life. I invite you to let go of everything that day gave
you, and trust that you are in the hands of a loving God who wants you to be at
Life can be trusted.
God can be trusted.
Give your life over and enter a beautiful sleep.
You are loved.
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