Kindness is something the world needs more of, and it’s something I could display more of.
Kindness is the quality of being friendly and generous to ourselves and to other people.
This is an important part of my life today, because I spent much of my life being angry and bitter towards other people. I don’t believe that I was a very kind person. I hurt others, because I was in pain. I don’t do that anymore. At least I don’t go out of my way to hurt others. I’m sure I cause hurt sometimes, but it is not intentional anymore. I have learned over the years that It takes more energy to be unkind. Creating pain in the world takes a lot of time and energy.
What does it take to be kind to others? It takes the willingness to see them as human beings worthy of respect. This is easy when the person you are kind to is someone you like. It is not easy when you encounter someone who you don’t like or is being openly hostile towards you.
How do we show kindness towards someone we don’t like? Sometimes kindness is about how we react in the face of hostility. It is showing respect for ourselves by protecting ourselves against aggression. It can show up as speaking up for ourselves in the face of abuse. It may mean speaking our truth, when we know we will me met with arguing or aggression.
It is a brave act to be kind. It implies trust. It assumes that we will be taken care of. When we are kind, we don’t know what is going to happen next. I have resisted being kind in the past, because I was afraid that I would lose control. I thought that others could or would take advantage of my kindness.
Acting with kindness puts me in a position of being connected with others. It is not a place of being a victim. It is a place of choice and conscious evolution.
I wish I was a kinder person. I wish I was always looking out for the well being of other people. On most days I am. On some days, I’m just looking out for myself. I have also had the experience of being kind to someone, and then feeling shame or guilt. I question my motives. I question my integrity as I claim to be doing something nice for someone else.
I wonder what it would be like if everyone in our society showed kindness towards others. I wonder how our world would be different.
When we are kind to someone else there is a flow. There is a sense that one good thing leads to another. When we do something nice for someone else, we discover that there is always more to do. Kindness opens the door for more opportunities to care for others. The opening of the door reveals what needs to be done.
How are you being kind to other people? Are you being kind to yourself? What issues arise when you are kind? Are you comfortable with it?
We need more kindness in the world. I’m glad that you are here to help guide the way to a kinder and gentler world.
Kindness is the quality of being friendly and generous to ourselves and to other people.
This is an important part of my life today, because I spent much of my life being angry and bitter towards other people. I don’t believe that I was a very kind person. I hurt others, because I was in pain. I don’t do that anymore. At least I don’t go out of my way to hurt others. I’m sure I cause hurt sometimes, but it is not intentional anymore. I have learned over the years that It takes more energy to be unkind. Creating pain in the world takes a lot of time and energy.
What does it take to be kind to others? It takes the willingness to see them as human beings worthy of respect. This is easy when the person you are kind to is someone you like. It is not easy when you encounter someone who you don’t like or is being openly hostile towards you.
How do we show kindness towards someone we don’t like? Sometimes kindness is about how we react in the face of hostility. It is showing respect for ourselves by protecting ourselves against aggression. It can show up as speaking up for ourselves in the face of abuse. It may mean speaking our truth, when we know we will me met with arguing or aggression.
It is a brave act to be kind. It implies trust. It assumes that we will be taken care of. When we are kind, we don’t know what is going to happen next. I have resisted being kind in the past, because I was afraid that I would lose control. I thought that others could or would take advantage of my kindness.
Acting with kindness puts me in a position of being connected with others. It is not a place of being a victim. It is a place of choice and conscious evolution.
I wish I was a kinder person. I wish I was always looking out for the well being of other people. On most days I am. On some days, I’m just looking out for myself. I have also had the experience of being kind to someone, and then feeling shame or guilt. I question my motives. I question my integrity as I claim to be doing something nice for someone else.
I wonder what it would be like if everyone in our society showed kindness towards others. I wonder how our world would be different.
When we are kind to someone else there is a flow. There is a sense that one good thing leads to another. When we do something nice for someone else, we discover that there is always more to do. Kindness opens the door for more opportunities to care for others. The opening of the door reveals what needs to be done.
How are you being kind to other people? Are you being kind to yourself? What issues arise when you are kind? Are you comfortable with it?
We need more kindness in the world. I’m glad that you are here to help guide the way to a kinder and gentler world.
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