Our Primary Relationships
A very wise friend of mine told me years ago, “John, there
are only two relationships that will survive in your lifetime. They are the one
you have with yourself, and the one you have with God.”
Truer words have never been spoken.
He went on to say, “Every other person in your life will
leave, so you need to make sure those two relationships are secure.”
He was right about that one also.
I cannot have a relationship with another human being unless
my relationship with myself and my God are OK.
When I am able to have these solid, I can move out into the
world and connect with other people in a healthy way.
You have a different relationship with who I call God. The
name you attach to this power is not relevant. Everyone is going to have a
different interpretation of who that is.
The power I’m talking about is something that is greater
than me. For you that may be nature, the seasons, your friends, your family, or
some other spiritual practice.
I am aware of the spiritual shift that is occurring on our
planet today. There are shifts occurring that will influence our future for
years to come. For me to make sense of it I need to have a foundation of faith.
What is your foundation made of?
My foundation is made up of some key components:
My Creator loves me unconditionally. Regardless
of what I do or don’t do I will be loved.
My human experience is temporary. I no longer
fear physical death because I know that I existed before this time and will
exist after my body is no longer here.
I can access this power anywhere and anytime. I
don’t need to go to anyone to connect.
Once I have this primary relationship established, I can
then connect with my wife. Then I can be with my friends and other
It’s healthy to have different levels of intimacy with
different people. I’m not going to tell the same things to my boss that I would
to my wife.
I am grateful for the important relationships in my life.
They give me a sense of stability and safety. When I nurture myself, I am
nurturing my relationships with others. When I am nurturing the important
relationships in my life, I am nurturing myself.
I pray that your relationships are loving and supportive to
you. You deserve it.
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