The Gifts of Being Sensitive

I have always been sensitive.

I probably always will be.

There was a time in my life when I believed that being sensitive was a character defect.

I don’t see being sensitive as a negative thing anymore. In fact, I believe that being sensitive is one of my most positive attributes.

I received this beautiful gift from several people in my life. My Mom is at the top of the list. She taught me that having feelings was a sign of strength and resilience. She taught me that feelings are a gateway to our soul. I will be forever grateful to her for this beautiful gift. To this day, she is still reminding me that being sensitive is a powerful gift that allows others to be themselves.

There are many reasons why I believe being sensitive is a good thing. I want to list five that I believe best describe how this beautiful personality trait can help to heal the world.

1. Sensitive people are always looking out for the welfare of others. We care how other people are doing. We are the nurses, therapists, spiritual leaders, and teachers. We are the ones who lift other people up and inspire them to do good in the world.

2. Sensitive people feel their feelings. Feelings are our gateway to the heart. When we feel our feelings, we are being fully human. When we feel our feelings, we can have a deeper relationship with ourselves.

3. Sensitive people are empaths. We are the ones who are the connectors. We are the bridge builders between people who disagree. We bring people together.

4. Sensitive people are the ones who bring hope to a hurting world. We are the ones who believe that there is still goodness in the world. We feel the goodness and wish to tell others about it.

5. Sensitive people have rich relationships with themselves and other people. We believe that relationships are here to bring others joy and make our lives better.

In this world that elevates toughness and grit, I still believe in the importance of those who are sensitive. We live in a time where hate and discord want to take center stage. These loud voices want to rule the space we live in.

In the end, it will be the sensitive caring people who people will seek out to bring us back together. We are and will continue to be the ones who people look to for hope.

Embrace your sensitive side. It is beautiful. I applaud the sensitive person that you are.

We need more people like you.

Thank you.


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