Time and Our Legacy

Time cannot be ignored. It cannot be bought. It cannot be bargained with. It cannot be argued with. Time is that thing that is a construct that none of us really understand.

If every clock on the planet stopped right now, would time itself have stopped? No. Time is that which we have no control over. We can measure time, because man has tapped into the rhythm of the universe. We know when the sun will rise and set, because we have found a way measure time.

Life has it's own rhythm. It has it's own timing that does not adhere to any calendar. Things happen in life that do not check in with our clocks. Natural disasters will occur when we least expect them. People will die at times that make no sense. There seems to be a randomness to it all. But, is it really random? Is everything just a bunch of chaotic happenings?

I could go on about the theories of why things happen when they do. My truth is that I have no idea why things happen when they do. What I do know is that there is some kind of loving Force in the universe controlling things. It's usually not until at a later time do I understand why things happened in the manner they did.

My ability to understand what is happening now is almost non-existent. I have no ability to understand it. And, it is rare when I am given any warning about things. Life happens, and I react. I do the best I can.

How do you deal with life, when you have no idea what is coming next? My answer to that is I have to have faith in a loving Creator that is taking care of me. Minus that, I would be totally lost. If I didn't believe that I was here for some higher reason, what would be the point of life?

What is your footprint in this world? Do you believe that you will have a legacy beyond this lifetime? Will people remember you? Does that matter to you? Does it matter?

There are many that believe that we have many lives, and that we have been here before and will be here again. I have no actually proof that I will be back here again, but I do believe that my soul is eternal. That was no beginning to it, and there will be no end. It is this faith in the eternal nature of my soul that gives me hope and a feeling of purpose. If this life is not the end of me, then it really does matter what I do to myself and other people today. This is a consequence that extends far beyond my mortal life.

My current life becomes a legacy, because it has meaning and purpose. When I am in touch with this understanding, I am going to be very careful about what I say and do in this lifetime. I will be thinking about things that occur in the long term. It is this concern about the long term health of me that ultimately brings me into the present. The present becomes my greatest opportunity, and greatest responsibility. The present becomes the ultimate laboratory for my soul to grow in. I am forever wanting to become a better person, because I know it has consequences far beyond my lifetime.

Time is not relevant. Not because nothing matters, but because nothing ever ends.

We don't belong to other humans. We come through other humans. The vehicle from which we came into this world from passes away. We are left here to live our lives. And, when the universe sees fit to bring us back again, we will be given another vehicle to express in. And, maybe our soul will not inhabit a physical body again. Maybe there is spiritual realm, where all souls reside together. Who knows. I don't. The best I can do is know what is true for me.


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