
Compassion is a beautiful word. It means to have concern and a willingness to understand.

I am good at having compassion for other people. As a sensitive introvert I am in touch with the energy around me and the pain that others are feeling.

Having compassion for myself can oftentimes be difficult.

I have done many things in my past that caused emotional pain to myself and others. Yes, I have since done a lot of work on my issues, but the hurt was done.

When I think about my past, one of the ways I heal myself is by having compassion. I have compassion for that part of me that was hurting for so long. I have compassion for the part of me that was looking for attention. And, I have compassion for the me that didn’t know any better.

We are all doing the best we can in this life. Everything we do is born out of a belief system we hold dear to us. Even when we are not in touch with ourselves, we are still doing the best we can. Even when we cause hurt to ourselves or others, we are doing the best we can.

Let me be clear.

I am not condoning bad or hurtful behavior towards myself or others. It is not OK for me to hurt myself or other people.

What I am saying is that the hurtful behaviors need to be seen through the lens of pain and unresolved issues. There is a saying “hurt people hurt people”. I believe this is true.

I was hurting.

Therefore, I hurt other people.

By doing lots of healing work, and by surrounding myself with loving people I don’t hurt in the way I did before.

When the pain stops the love will come.

We all have things in our past that we have pain about. Maybe it was the loss of a beloved family pet, the loss of a parent, or some other traumatic event that we are healing from.

Whatever healing work you are doing I invite you to look upon your process with compassion. I invite you to see how far you have come in your life. When you can see the progress you have made, you may be able to have compassion for the beautiful you that was always trying to come out.

Underneath the hurt there is always a beautiful soul that wants to be known. It is a part of you that may have been hiding because it feared being discovered.

What a beautiful discovery to find that you were beautiful all along. Even in the darkest part of your life your beautiful soul existed.

Today, as you remember those painful parts of your life, I invite you to bathe your mind in love. I invite you to try compassion.

Compassion will allow you to let go of the pain of your past and embrace a more peaceful version of yourself.

You have the choice to be at peace.

Compassion is a bridge you can cross to bring the lasting healing that you deserve.


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