Connection Through Silence

Do you feel like you’re too busy to slow down? Do you believe you don’t have time to be quiet?

I do. On a regular basis.

It is a common issue in our society that is moving so fast.

I get impatient. I want things now. And, I want them done according to my plan.

Life doesn’t work that way.

Recently, I have had lots of opportunities to slow down. It has been a wonderful blessing to be so quiet and contemplative. My writing has flourished, and my relationships have deepened. Relationships that I was ignoring or at least not nurturing when I was so busy have once again become more intimate.

How I start my day is important. The first thing I do after waking up is listen to a meditation. It sets the tone for my day. When I fill my mind with positive thoughts, every decision I make during that day will be made from a more loving place. I oftentimes go back to that morning meditation throughout my day and think about how the message applies to the day at hand.

Before I begin my work for the morning my wife and I sit on our back porch and read some spiritual books and meditate. I love sitting on our porch and looking at our pond that is surrounded by many beautiful trees. As I look upon the pond, I see ducks swimming lazily. They are in no hurry. They don’t have an appointment they need to rush to. They trust that things will unfold exactly as they need to in that day. They know they will find the food they need to get through this day.

In this silence I am connected. I hear the voice of my Creator speaking to me with thoughts of love and compassion.

When I enter my silent meditation, I have thoughts about the day. Many times, I have gone into meditation looking for an answer to a problem I’m facing. I go back to my breath. I go back to letting go of my agenda. I let go of any thinking that tells me that I need to have a certain outcome or need to have the answer to my problem. I do get answers to my issues on a regular basis from meditation, but I do my best to make the meditation about connection.

The meditation itself becomes the end, rather than it being a means to a certain end. The silence becomes the event, not what message is being received in the silence.

The silence becomes the portal I walk into to connect with my inner wisdom. It is the doorway I open to receive my blessings.

One time during meditation I got so quiet that I heard my heart beating. I got in touch with the truth that I am not making my heart beat. I did not start my heart, and I am not in control of when it’s last beat will be. This was humbling and it was reassuring. Rather than creating fear, it offered me an opportunity to feel my connection to God. By being silent, I was able to feel one with my Source. By letting go of control I was able to feel the Spirit come into my mind. It was powerful, and it was life changing.

Silence is not to be feared. It is one of the most beautiful ways that you can get in touch with your beautiful soul. In the silence you will get to know yourself. You will have an opportunity to meet the beautiful spirit that your busyness may have been preventing you from connecting with.

I invite you to experience silence today.

I invite you to get to know yourself today.

I invite you to love yourself enough to give yourself the gift of silence.

In the silence you will hear the voice of God.

You will hear God say, “I love you”.

That’s worth taking the time for.


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