
Do you feel distracted? Do you feel like you are being pulled in 20 different directions at the same time?

You are not alone. Many of us feel that way.

I was thinking this morning about my propensity for taking on lots of different projects at the same time, and the difficulties I have in completing them.

Why would I take on another project before completing the one before?

It’s usually because my mind is always thinking of ways to make the world a better place. When a project idea pops into my mind, I want to dive into it right away. The idea of waiting for completion seems foreign to me. My brain tells me that lots of half-baked plans are better than one plan that is done.

The solution to this dilemma is two-fold.

1.       I need to prioritize.

2.       I need to be willing to stick with something to the end, and trust that it is good enough.


This is really what we are dealing with when we take on multiple projects. The theory goes that if we keep on working on the project until it is perfect, we can control the reception of it. The other part of this is thinking that I won’t do it perfectly, so why bother starting at all.

This is faulty thinking.

I can never produce a perfect product, and I can never control the reception of it.

I have been writing on Medium every day. I am letting go of my concern about my work being perfect and becoming more concerned about determining what my message is and the best way to convey it.

Working through my fears of not being good enough is allowing me to show up more authentically.I am learning to trust that I am OK exactly the way I am.

It’s not about how much I produce or how others like what I do. It’s about connecting with my true self.

I would invite you to think of a project that you have been delaying, putting off, been afraid of, or outright have no idea how to approach. If you apply these five steps, I believe that you will see yourself moving forward with more focus.

1.       Decide what feels good to you. Check your energy level and decide if this project is something you are willing to put a lot of time and energy into.

2.       Be willing to block out time in your schedule to work on this. For me, I make sure that I spend time writing each day before I attend to other projects.

3.       Ask others for help. If you are stuck be willing to ask someone to guide you through your process. Asking for help is a sign of strength.

4.       Believe that what you are working on is going to benefit you and is a benefit to the world. You have an important task to do that will benefit someone. Own your special place in the process and know that your work will help someone.

5.       Let go of the need to be perfect. Doing your work is something to be celebrated. It will not be perfect, but you can feel proud that you are doing something that is important to you.

This is a process. Finding a way to stay focused on what is important to you takes lots of practice. You will not suddenly do it perfectly. But you will find over time that you will be proud of the progress you make.

Today is a great day to make time for something that is important to you.

I believe in you.


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