Praying for Change
Change is one force in the universe that you can absolutely
be sure of.
Since the beginning of time change has been occurring. One
thing we can all be sure of is that it will continue.
Sometimes change comes quickly, and other times it evolves
over eons of time.
The Grand Canyon in the United States is a perfect example.
It has taken millions of years for the Colorado River to carve its way through.
Today, it is still digging a little deeper into the earth below.
Our lives and the world in general are also in a state of
constant change. Laws that were enacted hundreds or even a dozen years ago are
no longer relevant to the world today.
Attitudes change, beliefs change, social norms change, and
fashions change.
In 1750 it was deemed normal and lawful to own a black
person. Today this horrible practice is illegal.
Changing social norms and how we get along with each other
is slow. Although we deem it illegal to own another black person, the practice
of racism is still with us. This scourge has not yet been eliminated from the
human experience.
After 400 years of treating the black man and woman like
property, humans seem to just be waking up to how wrong this is.
There is a change underfoot in this world around the issue
of systemic racism. There is more of an open discussion about the reality of
this. I see many people openly admitting to the truth that was always there
that black people are not treated the same as white people.
It is not new to hear it from black people that they are
treated differently. They have been saying that for hundreds of years.
What is new is that we are finally starting to hear it from
white people.
And, we are hearing it from white people who want to change
this reality for black people.
This very public admission is powerful. I see it on the news
every day. I hear it in the pleas of black people to be seen for the worthy
sons and daughters of God that they are. I hear it in the admissions of white
people who are apologizing for their role in the racism of this world.
I was raised in a racist society. We all were.
Even if you have never engaged in racist activities or said
a racial slur, you still have been surrounded by a world that treats black
people like they are less than.
What can we do to change this?
It starts with admitting the truth. The truth that blacks
are not treated the way whites are.
This is a sad truth.
In the admitting comes the healing. If we can admit that we
have been responsible for the mistreatment of the black man and woman, we can
become responsible for healing this.
We are in a time of great change. The death of George Floyd
woke us up again.
We have been woken up many times in the past, and
unfortunately it may not be the last wake-up call we receive.
The wake-up call is not just for white people. It is a wake-up
call for all those who wish to oppress anyone who is different than them.
It is a time when real change can come to this world.
I pray for the day when black people will be given the
same rights that white people have been afforded. When that day comes God will
smile. I can imagine God saying, “It’s about time.”
I believe the moment is coming when blacks will be seen for
the beautiful children of God that they are. I pray that I can do my part to
end racism in this world.
I pray that someday the history of racism will be exactly
Change is coming.
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