Your Life Has Been Divinely Appointed

Do you ever feel like you are in the wrong place at the wrong time?

When I’m thinking this way, it is usually because I find myself in a situation that I don’t like. Or, I’m feeling like I must catch up. I feel behind, and I’m comparing myself to other people. This is usually when I am feeling less than somehow.

This state of mind creates thoughts that are counterproductive and prevent me from moving into a more peaceful place.

My goal in life is to become peaceful and to accept that I am exactly where I need to be.

There is a school of thought that believes that this entire life of ours has been planned out already. That everything we do is about following a script that was laid out for us before we were born. That before we were born, we decided who our parents would be, what lessons we were going to learn, and even how our life would end.

I believe a lot of this.

I believe this system is a little problematic for me though, because it would mean that I have no say in how things go and that I am powerless to change anything. If it’s just going to go how it’s going to go,then why bother trying to change anything.

I believe that our Creator is inviting you and me into another way of thinking.

My Creator wants me to be a co-creator in this experience of life. It is to be a partnership.

I go into meditation every morning and pray for the will of God to be made known to me. I invite this Spirit to guide me and to tell me what it is that I should do that day. My job is not to tell God what should happen. It is my job to ask and to say thank you for the blessings that will show up that day.

By asking for God’s will I am making two assumptions.

1.       There is a plan that my Creator has for me.

2.       It is my job to carry out the will of my Creator.

What’s happening here is a relationship between me and God. It is a relationship based on trust, listening, and willingness.

I trust that there is a plan for my good.

I believe that by listening I will be able to hear what the plan is.

And, I pray for the willingness to follow through and do my part.

This is not easy for me. I want to control outcomes and timing. I can do neither. I am not in control of anyone or anything outside of me, and I have no say on how God is going to perform his/her will in my life.

This letting go of control can be scary for those of us who think we are in control of anything.

But the freedom that comes with letting go is incredible. There is a peace that passes all understanding when I know that I will be taken care of.

Life is a mystery. None of us really knows what will happen next.

Within this mystery I have a faith that there is a loving Presence that is taking care of me. I do believe that there is some plan that I am involved in. When I pass on from this earthly plane, I will discover it. I will know why everything went the way it did. I will understand the perfection of this life, and how it all unfolded perfectly.

Until that day, I will continue to seek God’s will for me. It is how I find peace.

I believe that your life has been divinely appointed. You too are here for a reason. If that reason has not yet been revealed to you wait. It will be shown in due time. Then you too will know a peace that passes all understanding.

You have a purpose.

Your beautiful life is just beginning to be revealed.


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