A Great Healing

We need a healing.

In our world we need a healing.

Our world is in pain in a different way than it’s been in a long time. Of course, it’s not the first time, and it’s certainly not the last.

What gives me hope is remembering that our planet has survived many periods of great difficulty and somehow survived. Our history books document the many periods of great pain that our planet has endured including the birth of the planet itself.

I look upon the history of our earth and I receive great comfort in knowing that we will survive.

I turn on the news and I see stories of heroism taking place every day. I see people going out of their way to do great deeds for people less fortunate than them.

This is who we are.

This is what we came here to do.

From a spiritual perspective I see the turmoil in the world as a great opportunity for us to love each other more. There are numerous ways that we can reach out to our brothers and sisters right now.

Healing begins from within. When we begin to love the parts of ourselves that are hurting, we can begin to forgive ourselves. Those parts of our lives that we aren’t happy with begin to be bathed with a loving light. This loving light comes from our Creator who wants us to be loved.

The part of us that hurts is not broken.

Let me state that another way.

The part of us that we think is broken is just in need of love. We need to be tender to it. We need to treat that beautiful hurting soul like we would a child who is crying for help. Would we ignore the cries of a lonely and hurting child? No. Then we cannot ignore ourselves.

The healing that begins to emanate from our soul in this beautiful brilliant light will shine upon a hurting world. The cracks and fissures that show up from eons of societal pain will begin to mend.

It is a mending that we need. We need to make amends to our planet and our beautiful inhabitants.
We then become the beacons of hope for the world. Those who are spiritually minded and choose to believe in the hope for a better world become the messengers for those who are hurting.

Because there is plenty of hurting people, there are plenty of opportunities to shine the light of hope. The more pain, the more we must shine the light.

Our healing becomes a healing for our world.

This is a bold thing to believe that we have the power to heal the world.

But I believe that if we do our own healing, we can help the person next to us to heal. Imagine if the person next to us helped the person next to them to heal. And imagine if they inspired others to heal.
This is how it works. You start to heal, and because we are all connected, we all begin to heal.

You are a healer.

Own it.

Your life is a blessing to anyone who is lucky enough to meet you.

I’m glad you’re here.

Your healing makes mine possible.

I love and appreciate you for that.


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