You're Valuable Because You Exist
From the beginning of time your essence has existed. Whether
it was in spirit form or now in your physical form you have always been and
always will be.
There is a reason why your Creator decided to make you
eternal. It’s because you’re worthy. You’re valuable.
You’re valuable not because of what your job title is, how
much money you have, what kind of clothes you wear, or even the color of your
You’re valuable because you have always existed in some
The very earth from the time it was formed was getting ready
for you. Every piece of dirt, every mineral, every animal, every drop of water,
every flower, has been getting ready for you. Every tree, every lake, and every
farm has been created to support and love you.
Knowing that you are supported by every living being is what
your heart has always known.
You know that what I write is true.
Your heart knows that you are the precious result of
billions of years of evolution.
Evolution is still ongoing because there will be many others
after your physical body leaves this realm. But that will not be the end of you.
You will go on to your next adventure.
I have a neighbor who has stage four cancer. He may not be
here for long on this physical plane. I prayed for him this morning. I prayed
because I imagine being in his body right now is extremely difficult.
Someday he will be released from his pain. I don’t wish
death on him. I wish peace on him.
This is the experience for us all. None of us will leave this
physical plane alive but will be forever alive in the spirit.
This is the joy of being alive. It is knowing that we have
always been alive and always will be.
This affirmation of my eternal nature gives me great comfort
as I also go through the trials of this earthly realm. In those moments of
stress and fear I remember the eternal nature of my soul. I’m not just alive in
body, but I’m alive in spirit. And my spirit lives on forever, so I never need
to be in fear of this body leaving.
My body will leave, but my spirit will live on.
From this vantage point could there possibly be anything
that you couldn’t face. Even the most painful and difficult of circumstances can
be comforted when we realize that our trials will not last forever.
Like you, I have been through many situations that cause me
to question why life even exists at all. Why are we here? Why was life even
created? What is life?
Yes, I ask these questions. Sensitive empaths do that sort
of thing.
And, the answer that comes to me is one of divine peace.
The answer that comes to me is that we are here to love. We
are here to love ourselves and our brothers and sisters.
From the vantage point of love, we can remember that we are
as brilliant and amazing as our Creator said we are.
From this place of peace and love we can affirm that being
alive is beautiful. We can affirm that our spirit will live forever, and that
our lives have value.
We are valuable because we were created.
We can never lose that value.
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