A Meaning and a Purpose

I am here for a reason.

So are you.

One of the greatest thrills of being alive is discovering why we are here. What is the purpose of all of this? Is there some greater mission that we are fulfilling that gives our life a meaning and purpose?

Having a meaning and purpose gives me fuel for pursuing the things in life that matter to me. It gives me something to look forward to. It lifts my spirits and gives me confidence.

I didn’t always have that feeling. For many years I had no idea what my purpose in life was. I just kind of meandered through life hoping that something would happen that would get me motivated.

It wasn’t until I met my wife ten years ago that I began to find my purpose. When I was divinely led to her, I was given a purpose.

I discovered that one of the reasons I am alive is to learn how to love myself and to love another person.

For most of my life those two concepts seemed elusive. I was not a kind person to myself, and I certainly was not kind to other people.

What led to the sudden change in attitude? It was in the fall of 2009 when I was experiencing a spiritual awakening unlike any I had experienced before that time.

The essence of the spiritual awakening was this; that all the false believes I had about myself prior to that time could be wrong. I questioned every fear, every doubt, every voice of shame and unworthiness. For the first time in my life I was beginning to doubt all of my negative thinking.

It was revolutionary. It changed me.

When I discovered that I was wrong about my unworthiness I was “forced” into asking some difficult questions. Here are a few questions I had to ask:

1. Am I worthy of sharing my life with another person?

2. Would anyone choose to spend their life with me?

3. How can I possibly begin to treat another person well when I spent so many years not treating myself well?

Then the miracle happened.

My wife Rachel came into my life in the spring of 2010 and changed my world.

The meaning and purpose of my life began to reveal itself, because I found somebody that I wanted to spend a lot of time with. I found that not only was I worthy of spending my life with her, but that she loved spending time with me. Miracles of miracles I started to treat myself well, and in turn was treating her well.

These seismic shifts in my personality manifested in me marrying this amazing human being. Through this relationship God has spoken to me. God is still speaking to me.

As a result of the confidence this relationship has given me, my writing has flourished in a way like never before. I was writing all the time when I was younger, but it never manifested in anything tangible. When my first book Accept Connect Heal was published in December of 2019, I knew there had been a change. It was evidence that I was starting to embrace my purpose.

I believe that another purpose of my life is to remind other people of how amazing they are. I am here to wake people up to the reality of their magnificence. I am here to point to the beauty that is inside of you.

Why am I sharing a part of my story with you? Because frankly I have been feeling a little lost lately. I don't know if it's because of COVID or something else. Whatever the cause my direction has been a little unsteady and unfocused. Writing this down is God's way of reminding me that I do have a purpose.

I know you too have a meaning and a purpose. You may not know it yet. You may not know about the gifts that your Creator has for you. That’s OK. You don’t have to know what your gift is. You don’t have to know what your purpose is.

Know that you have a purpose.

I am here to remind you.

My hope for you is that you embrace how wonderful you are, and that you know how much you’ve been blessed. The world is a better place because you exist. Trust this. Know this. If you question this, go into meditation and ask your Creator how they view you. When you hear from your Creator you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have purpose. You are far more beautiful than you give yourself credit for.

I believe in you.

I believe in your purpose.

I believe in myself too. 



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