The Beating of Your Beautiful Heart

In a deep meditation I felt the beating of my heart.

I was so still that I felt the beautiful vibration in my chest. I heard it. I drank in the beauty of its

magnificent power.

Sitting in the stillness came a realization that forever changed my life. It might change yours.

I didn’t have the power to make my heart keep beating. I couldn’t get into my chest and make it pump not even one beat. I was unable to make it transport the blood from my heart to all the vital organs of my body.

I had and still don’t have any power over this.

It’s very humbling and awe inspiring to understand the magnitude of this truth.

This understanding invites me to ask some questions.

Who or what is keeping my heart beating? How long will it keep beating? Will I have any say in keeping it going beyond how long it wants to beat?

The most difficult thing for me in all of this is knowing that someday my heart will stop beating. There is no getting around this truth. It’s going to happen.

While I’m still here I will be grateful for my beautiful beating heart.

Think about the life force energy that has been keeping your heart beating all these years. Think about the millions of times that your heart has beat. In the writing of this one sentence my heart has beat at least 20 times.

My message is very simple. My invitation is profound.

What is making your heart beat today?

What do you do with your life when you realize that you don’t have any control over whether it keeps beating or when it will stop? Do you believe that your life is eternal, and that your heart is here only to sustain your physical body? 

I would love to hear your experience with this awakening. Your truth will help me to get in touch with mine.

Listen to your heartbeat. It will change your life.


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