What a beautiful word. What a beautiful idea. What a beautiful way to live.
When I’m gentle with myself the very winds of the spirit of life inhabit my soul.
Gentleness can even move me to forgive myself.
I have caused myself much pain and sorrow in my lifetime. Gentleness reminds me that I don’t have to live that way anymore.
Gentleness is the reminder that I have always done the best I can. It’s the reminder that I never intended harm. It’s the reminder that within the walls of my heart and soul is a light. This light is fueled with the gentleness from my loving God.
There are some days when I forget to fuel my light. I forget to pray. I forget to do something nice for someone else. I forget to speak a kind word. I forget to ask how a loved one is doing. I get caught up in the daily routines. I forget about my beautiful light within.
You have a beautiful light inside of you too. Your light is also fueled and supported by the gentle love of your Creator.
I invite you today to treat yourself with gentleness.
I invite you to treat your life like it’s precious, and one that is unique and even holy.
If you saw your life as precious, you would do whatever it took to treat it with the gentleness that it deserves. You would put only nurturing food into it, give it enough rest, and insist that people honor it.
Treating yourself with gentleness means that you will forgive yourself for your past mistakes, stand up for yourself in times of need, and lift the spirits around you.
Today, I invite you to connect with your loving Creator. Ask your God how you can be gentler with yourself. Ask for the tools to treat yourself with the kindness you deserve. Ask to be willing to be willing.
When you are gentle with yourself, I believe that you will be able to embrace those painful parts of your past. You will see your life divinely guided and led by a loving God who wants the best for you.
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