I'm Giving You a Spiritual Hug


I said to my wife this morning, “I could use a hug right about now”.

She gave me one.

I was grateful.

I needed it.

We all need hugs right now.


I can’t give you a physical hug, so I’m going to give you a spiritual one.


You are the creation of love.

Your life is a blessing to anyone lucky enough to know you.

Everything about you is a blessing.

You are beautiful.

You are smart.

When you call a friend, they are always glad to hear from you.

Even though you may have made mistakes in your life, you are not a mistake.

You are an original blessing.

You are here at the right time and in the right place.

When you were born, God smiled.

You deserve this big spiritual hug today.

You deserve the kindness that will come your way today.

You are one of God’s favorites.

You’re right. We are ALL God’s favorites!

You’re right. EVERY human being is God’s favorite!

You have a beautiful smile.

Your soul displays incredible wisdom.

Your spirit flies with the best.

When you pray, God listens because you always have something wise to say.


I’m giving you this spiritual hug today, because I know we could all use more hugs these days. I ask that you please share this essay with anyone you believe needs some extra love today. Let them know that you care about them by sharing this with them. We are the hands and mouth of God. When we show love and support for one another we are doing the work of our Creator. The love that has been shown to you, you are sharing with others.

Go ahead. Give a spiritual hug to someone today. Share this post.

I love you and appreciate you.

Have an awesome day!

Consider yourself hugged😊


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