We Need to Hold Each Other Up

I saw a news story last night that disturbed me.

It disturbed me to the point that I needed to write about it.

It disturbed me to the point that I believe writing about it could help you.

I know you have seen the stories too.

The stories about people being evicted from their apartments due to non-payment of rent.

This pandemic has hit so many people hard especially regarding their living situation. So many people are living on the edge, literally one paycheck away from being homeless.

The problem is real, and it doesn’t seem to be abating.

The solution to this is not simple and it’s not easy.

There was a time in my life when I was close to these kinds of consequences. I never ended up homeless, but I understand what it’s like to be close to it. It’s not fun.

The kind of support that is needed right now is from many different areas.

I am not a doctor, and I’m not a therapist. But I am a human being. So are you.

You are the kind of person who cares about these people. Anyone who reads my work is among the population who cares.

You are the one who donates to charities, helps a friend move, calls a loved one when they are hurting, visits a sick friend, and offers a shoulder to cry on. That’s just who you are.

Our world needs more of you. Our world is relying on you more than ever.

When I see images of people being thrown out on to the street with nowhere to go, I stop, and I pray. I pray for their needs to be met. I pray that they will get the support they need.

This short essay is an impassioned plea to our better nature. This is a plea to the part of the human condition that is good and caring.

I believe that our better nature will win.

I believe that human beings really do have the capacity to be kind to each other.

I believe that when we choose to have a loving planet, we will have that.

I believe that we will find a way out of this pandemic, and that our society will be better for it.

I believe that those who are being made homeless today will be visited by an angel who will help them. I don’t know how this will happen, but I believe it will.

You may ask why I’m so hopeful.

It’s because I have been through a lot in my personal life over the years. I have experience with getting past seemingly impossible obstacles.

Therefore, I have hope for you.

You may be experiencing obstacles in your world right now. You may feel hopeless. You may be giving up.

What I can tell you is that you are not alone. The world is for you and not against you. You are loved and cared for by angels who want the best for you.

I appeal to your better nature. Join me in prayer for those who will lose their homes today. Pray for those who are hurting.

Together we can literally heal each other if we hold each other up.

I need you. I can’t live this life without your support.

And, those who are hurting today need you more than ever.


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