You Have a Beautiful Heart


You have a beautiful heart.

The spiritual heart within you was given to you by your Creator who wants the best for you.

There may be days when you question this truth. I certainly do. When I’m not living up to the standards that I have set for myself, when I make the same mistake repeatedly, or I treat myself or others in an unkind way I question it.

When I’m not willing to do something that’s good for me I have to ask myself whether my heart is as beautiful as I claim it is.

What I’m remembering again is that the beauty of my heart is not dependent upon my behavior. My heart is beautiful regardless of what my behavior may display.

When I forget how beautiful my heart is, my pain is in full view. My heart remains beautiful while my behavior tries to point to something else.

It comes back to acceptance. It’s the acceptance of being ok just the way we are.

The great spiritual masters point to this when they tell us about unconditional love. They, in different ways, have all reminded us that we are created in the image and likeness of God. If you are the likeness of God, how could you be anything other than beautiful?

A friend of mine said to me once, “God don’t make no junk.” True.

I try not to question the authority of my loving God. So, when I hear that I’m made from this loving Source I’m not going to question it.

Do you question how beautiful your heart is? Do you doubt the magnificence of who you are? If so, I would invite you to check in with the Source of your life. The name you call it is not as important as having a Source that matters to you.

When you connect to your Source, ask whether you have a beautiful heart. Ask to be shown the ways in which you add value to this world. Ask to be shown the gifts that you bring. Ask to have revealed the amazing spirit that you bring to those who love you.

Yes, this is a little pep talk. It’s meant to remind you that you are greater than you have imagined yourself to be, and that you are worthy of all the love that is coming your way today.

Today, I invite you to know how beautiful your heart is. Embrace it. Know it. Love it.


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