Starting the Day Right


I discovered a truth several years ago.

The truth is that how I start my day determines how my day will go. The direction I point myself spiritually and emotionally will help me know which way to go.

Go with me for a moment through my morning routine, and maybe it will help you with yours.

Upon hearing my alarm (usually at 6:45AM), I roll over and say good morning to my wonderful wife. I’m a blessed man to be able to wake up next to the love of my life.

The next thing one of us does is find a recording on Facebook or another source of a meditation. One of us is led by the Spirit to listen to a spiritual leader at our church Unity on The Bay who inspires us. This does several things. First, it connects me with my beautiful home, and grounds me in the truths and principles of this amazing place.

Feeling grounded in my home, I listen to another spiritual meditation that is not a part of my church, but that helps me find my grounding in the world.

It’s only after I’m connected with my wife and my spiritual home do I look at my phone. There I find the opportunity to connect with friends and loved ones. I’m very blessed to have messages on my phone every morning from people I connect with around the planet. This is the miracle of social media and email. I can start my day by having these reminders of the people I care about and who care about me.

After I check in with my friends, I do a good bit of stretching. This gets me into my body. Knowing that I’m now spiritually grounded the connection to my body becomes sweeter.

Once my feet hit the floor, I’m already a part of the world and feeling much gratitude for having been given another day of life.

After I shower and have breakfast I go into another round of prayer and meditation before I get on with my day. I read spiritual books and meditate quietly with my wife. This time is preparing me for the day I’m about to embark on.

I wouldn’t even dream of moving on with my day without doing all these things.

These is a reason I’m sharing all of this with you. It’s to encourage you to think about how you start your day. Does your day start with a sense of gratitude and prayer, or do you start with a sense of fear? Are your morning routines helping you to feel grounded when you start your day, or do you feel disconnected?

I invite you to look at your morning, and create a routine that will make you feel connected to whatever and whoever is important to you. I shared my routines with you to give you some ideas. If any of these work for you that’s terrific. If not that’s ok too.

My hope for you is that you find a way to start your day in a positive way. You will be glad you did.



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