
Showing posts from September, 2020

You Have a Beautiful Heart

  You have a beautiful heart. The spiritual heart within you was given to you by your Creator who wants the best for you. There may be days when you question this truth. I certainly do. When I’m not living up to the standards that I have set for myself, when I make the same mistake repeatedly, or I treat myself or others in an unkind way I question it. When I’m not willing to do something that’s good for me I have to ask myself whether my heart is as beautiful as I claim it is. What I’m remembering again is that the beauty of my heart is not dependent upon my behavior. My heart is beautiful regardless of what my behavior may display. When I forget how beautiful my heart is, my pain is in full view. My heart remains beautiful while my behavior tries to point to something else. It comes back to acceptance. It’s the acceptance of being ok just the way we are. The great spiritual masters point to this when they tell us about unconditional love. They, in different ways, ha...


  Gentleness. What a beautiful word. What a beautiful idea. What a beautiful way to live. When I’m gentle with myself the very winds of the spirit of life inhabit my soul. Gentleness can even move me to forgive myself. I have caused myself much pain and sorrow in my lifetime. Gentleness reminds me that I don’t have to live that way anymore. Gentleness is the reminder that I have always done the best I can. It’s the reminder that I never intended harm. It’s the reminder that within the walls of my heart and soul is a light. This light is fueled with the gentleness from my loving God. There are some days when I forget to fuel my light. I forget to pray. I forget to do something nice for someone else. I forget to speak a kind word. I forget to ask how a loved one is doing. I get caught up in the daily routines. I forget about my beautiful light within. You have a beautiful light inside of you too. Your light is also fueled and supported by the gentle love of your Creator...

A Tree Planted

  The beautiful seed of your life was planted in the heart of God before the first star was born. Within this seed contained all of the blessings of your life. Y our personality, your hair color, your sparkling eyes, your beautiful spirit. It was all contained in that one seed. W hen your seed was planted in the human consciousness it took root. Deep roots were spread throughout the world.  Y our spirit and your essence became the light for others. You became the branches for those who needed shelter.  W hen the storms of life came, they retreated to your branches. You became the very hope they were looking for. Your strong branches held the sick, the lonely, and the lost. You held out your beautiful branch and said, “Come one and come all.”  Do you not believe this? Do you not understand that you are one with all? Do you not understand that your life is a refuge for someone? Do you not know that your life is a testament to those who need a light of hope? ...

Your Divine Mission

In this time of great transition, it’s good to be reminded that you have a mission. A divine mission. It’s a mission that nobody else can go on, because it was given to you by your Creator. Have you ever thought that you should be doing things the way that other people do them? That your career should look a certain way? That you should be making a certain amount of money? That you should have a certain type of living situation? I have. There have been times in my life when I thought that I should be doing something because everyone else is doing it. If Bob, Mary, and Peter are doing it then I should be too. Comparing myself to other people gets me nowhere. It only brings me a sense of frustration and inadequacy. It’s not productive, and it keeps me stuck. There is a way out of the comparison game. The way out is by acknowledging and affirming that you are on a divine mission. This divine mission has been given to you by your Creator. When you recognize that you are on a divine mission...

I'm Giving You a Spiritual Hug

  I said to my wife this morning, “I could use a hug right about now”. She gave me one. I was grateful. I needed it. We all need hugs right now.   I can’t give you a physical hug, so I’m going to give you a spiritual one.   You are the creation of love. Your life is a blessing to anyone lucky enough to know you. Everything about you is a blessing. You are beautiful. You are smart. When you call a friend, they are always glad to hear from you. Even though you may have made mistakes in your life, you are not a mistake. You are an original blessing. You are here at the right time and in the right place. When you were born, God smiled. You deserve this big spiritual hug today. You deserve the kindness that will come your way today. You are one of God’s favorites. You’re right. We are ALL God’s favorites! You’re right. EVERY human being is God’s favorite! You have a beautiful smile. Your soul displays incredible wisdom. Your sp...

We Need to Hold Each Other Up

I saw a news story last night that disturbed me. It disturbed me to the point that I needed to write about it. It disturbed me to the point that I believe writing about it could help you. I know you have seen the stories too. The stories about people being evicted from their apartments due to non-payment of rent. This pandemic has hit so many people hard especially regarding their living situation. So many people are living on the edge, literally one paycheck away from being homeless. The problem is real, and it doesn’t seem to be abating. The solution to this is not simple and it’s not easy. There was a time in my life when I was close to these kinds of consequences. I never ended up homeless, but I understand what it’s like to be close to it. It’s not fun. The kind of support that is needed right now is from many different areas. I am not a doctor, and I’m not a therapist. But I am a human being. So are you. You are the kind of person who cares about these people. Anyone who reads my...