You Are Still Valuable
If there is nothing on your calendar today, you are still valuable. If all that you do today is breathe, you are still valuable. What a beautiful truth. How many of us attach our self-worth to our activities and to-do lists? I know I have. It is an easy thing to do. We have been taught by society that our worth is determined by what and how much we do. Things have slowed down for me recently. My activities have been curtailed, and my calendar has less appointments on it. When you look at your day ahead, can you still believe that you have value without doing anything? The answer is yes. You have value. You have value because you exist. Our worth as a human being was decided before we came to this planet. It was decided by the One who created us that we were worthy of love. We were worthy of love before we inhabited our bodies. We will be worthy of love after we leave these bodies. It is not only our physical body that is valuable. Our soul and spirit have worth. Immen...